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Brooklyn Pain Specialist

Suffer From Chronic Back Pain? Dr. Nunzio Brooklyn Pain Specialist Can Help.

About 80% of adults experience low back pain at some point in their lifetimes. Back pain is one of the most common reason for visiting a pain specialist according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke (NIH), reportedly a contributing factor to employees taking time off from work. Low back pain is defined as pain that lasts between 4 and 12 weeks.

If you’ve injured your back at work from repetitive overuse, Dr. Saulle Nunzio, Brooklyn pain specialist provides pain management treatments that will set you on the right path to recovery — and get you back to work.

Ask your Dr. Nunzio about your back pain.

Brooklyn Pain Specialist
Brooklyn Pain Specialist

NJS Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, P.C.
Board Certified Doctors
Workers Compensation Doctor
1178 Flatbush Ave Brooklyn, NY 11226
(718) 940-8200

Pain Management Physician
Sport Injury Inflammation
Personal Injury — Whiplash
Herniated Disc
Work-Related Injuries — Lower Back
Work-Related Injury — Upper Back
Dr. Nunzio Offers Treatment Advice


Brooklyn’s premiere spine & back pain doctors. Same day appointments available.
Types: Back Pain, Neck Pain, Joint Pain













Marijuana medical health benefits

Medical marijuana is offered to patients in many different forms. It can be smoked, vaporized, ingested in a pill form or an edible version (brownies, cookies and chocolate bars). Medical marijuana is considered a schedule 1 drug by the FDA (federal Drug Enforcement Administration) meaning it has a high potential for abuse. There have been a number of studies in the United States on the effects of medical marijuana as a therapeutic medicine for patients that suffer chronic pain.

Marijuana contains 60 active ingredients known as cannabinoids. The body naturally makes its own form of cannabinoids to modulate pain.


  • THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)TetraHydroCannabinol is a psychoactive compound contained in Cannabis, which contributes to the euphoric, or “high” feeling that is generally associated with its use by most patients. THC has analgesic (pain relieving) effects, neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory qualities, helps stimulate appetite, relieves nausea, and also contributes to other beneficial effects.
  • CBD (Cannabidiol)Cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive compound within Cannabis which reduces the psychoactive effects of THC. With qualities ranging from anti-inflammatory, to anti-anxiety, anti-arthritic, analgesic, anti-convulsive and much more, CBD works similarly to THC, but has been shown to modulate its psychoactive effects. Strains rich in CBD are less common than THC rich strains, and many are just now being developed and released specifically for the Medical Cannabis community as an alternative form of this medication.
  • THCA and CBDAThe A indicates the carboxylic acid form of the molecule which is directly produced by the plant. These compounds decarboxylate with heat to form their neutral counter parts described above. These compounds are powerful anti-inflammatory agents, but only so when consumed orally, and the plant has not been heated before consumption. These medicinal compounds are most often consumed through juicing or making tea with the plant’s flowers and leaves.
  • CBNCannabinol is a degradation product of THC which can lead to feelings of muscle control loss, and other generally uncomfortable physical effects. CBN isn’t readily found in fresh flowers and is often an artifact of improper analysis.
  • TerpenesTerpenes modify the effects of THC and the other cannabinoids, and impact the medicinal effect of the strain. Terpenes are also responsible for some of the smell and taste characteristics. Terpenes are being used to fingerprint and identify each strain in the hopes that we can begin to understand their physiological impacts.Below are some of the highlights of what is generally known so far.
  • Pinenes: Pine odor, bronchodilator that opens the lungs to more THC absorption. It also increases focus, self-satisfaction, and energy.
  • Caryophyllene: Sweet, woody, clove taste responsible for anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects through CB2 receptor activation.
  • Linalool: Floral smelling, is believed to provide some anti-cancer effects and is known to cause severe sedation.
  • Limonene: Has a citrus scent and may possess anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti depression abilities.
  • Myrcene: Effects intake of THC by brain cells to increase the overall effects of THC when ingested together.Marijuana has been found to be effective in reducing neuropathic pain, or pain caused by damaged nerves. Opiates, such as morphine, aren’t effective at treating that sort of pain. Other studies show that marijuana, in addition to opiates, led to dramatic levels of pain relief. Cannabinoids plus opiates are synergistic in their relief of pain.The American Academy of Neurology found that certain forms of medical marijuana (only in pill or oral spray form) can help treat some symptoms of pain (pain related to spasticity, including painful spasms, and painful burning and numbness) and overactive bladder.

    According to a report released earlier in January by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), that makes a lot of sense.

    One of the strongest conclusions of the report, which provides basically the most comprehensive, up-to-date look at what all available research on cannabis tell us, is that there is conclusive or substantial evidence (in general, enough to make a firm conclusion) that cannabis or cannabinoids, found in the marijuana plant, can be an effective treatment for chronic pain.

    After researching the effects of medical marijuana, CNN’s chief medical correspondent, acknowledges that medicinal plants (including marijuana specifically) aren’t a new idea: The medical and scientific communities have been studying medical marijuana since the 19th Century, and marijuana was actually used to treat neuropathic pain until 1943.

    Ask A Medical Marijuana Doctor about Qualifying For A Medical Marijuana Card In your State:
    Submit your location by state to

    New York Chronic pain Specialists:

  • Dr. Matthew Kalter – Long Island, Suffolk County, Smithtown, NY – Medical marijuana card NY. 

    Marijuana medical health benefits – Neuropathic pain

  • Cannabinoids Among Most Promising Approaches to Treating Neuropathic Pain…source=r_health
  • Cannabis-based medicine in central pain in multiple sclerosis…t/65/6/812?etoc
  • Cannabis in painful HIV-associated sensory neuropathy…ow.php?s_id=199
  • Smoked cannabis therapy for HIV-related painful peripheral neuropathy…ow.php?s_id=172
  • Two cannabis based medicinal extracts for relief of central neuropathic pain…ow.php?s_id=143
  • Cannabis based medicinal extracts (CBME) in central neuropathic pain due to multiple sclerosis.…how.php?s_id=82
  • Analgesic effect of the synthetic cannabinoid CT-3 on chronic neuropathic pain…how.php?s_id=85
  • Smoked cannabis in painful peripheral neuropathy and cancer pain refractory to opiods.…how.php?s_id=96
  • Analgesic effect of the cannabinoid analogue nabilone…ow.php?s_id=203
  • The perceived effects of smoked cannabis on patients with multiple sclerosis.…how.php?s_id=13
  • Cannabis based treatments for neuropathic and multiple sclerosis-related pain.…is_related_pain


Medical marijuana card in New York
Get information on how to get a Medical marijuana card in New York for your condition.


Athlete injury – When to see a doctor

Sports Injury: Seeing a doctor vs. ignoring the pain

When is it time to see an athlete injury doctor? Tennis players, swimmers, cyclists or runners run the risk of suffering tennis elbow, an aching shoulder, sore knees or pain in your heel. Whether your a professional athlete or a weekend warrior working out and physical performance is a way of life that you cherish. Seeing an athletes doctor would probably be better than toughing it out. Seeing a sports medicine specialist ensures that your being seen by a physician that understands running injuries.

Individuals that compete in marathons, triathlons, and swim meets are no strangers to sore knees, pulled hamstring, heel or hip pain. The red flags that suggest an athlete seek medical attention immediately include chronic pain that worsens, pain through the night, joint inflammation or bruising, and joints that become unstable. If your not getting better naturally, seeing a doctor would be in your best interest. Sore knees are quite common among runners. Typically Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation (RICE) would be the natural choice for any athlete experiencing pain and inflammation.

Pain or tenderness in a muscle or tendon can be temporarily be relived with cortisone injections. Small labral tears in the hip, rotator-cuff tears, rips in the tendons can worsen over time. Athletes that suffer chronic aching painful joints should seek medical attention from a sports medicine doctor to determine the cause of the injury. Runners suffering knee pain, may be a result of a tight iliotibial band, (common overuse injuries among runners) which locks the knee, straining the gluteus muscles.

Doctors that effectively treat athlete injury do not have them come in and just lay on an exam table. Your doctor after reviewing diagnostics tests, will determining a treatment plan or injury prevention. Treatment plans may include pain relief Injections, at-home exercises, physical therapy, or diet.

specialist‎, sports physician.
Athlete Injury? When should you see a specialist‎, sports physician. NY / NJ sports Injury doctors.



Pain Relief Injections

Pain Relief Injections: Epidural, Nerve Block, and More

What do you do when Musculoskeletal Pain (injury to the bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, or nerves.) wont go away?  Musculoskeletal Pain can result from car accidents, slip and fall, fractures, sprains, dislocations, and trauma to the muscle. Musculoskeletal pain can be caused by overuse from sports injury or work injury.

Injection treatments simply reduce pain by delivering medicine directly to the source of the pain.

Pain Relief Injections Include:

  •  Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy can restore health to a diseased or injured area instead of only reducing pain.
  • Botulinum toxin type a (Botox) also known as Neurotoxin can treat muscle stiffness and muscle spasms.
  • Epidural Steroid injections (ESI) can help relieve neck, arm, back, and leg pain caused by inflamed spinal nerves. ESI may be performed to relieve pain caused by spinal stenosis, spondylolysis, or disc herniation.
  • Nerve Block Injection is a temporary numbing medicine used for back pain.
Pain Relief Injections
Pain Relief Injections









Pain Doctors Who Listen

In Pain? Want Your Doctor To Listen?

Patients suffering chronic pain have feelings and deserve respect from their doctor. Studies have shown that doctors tend to monopolize a patients visit by doing all the talking and just not listening. Taking the time to hear what a patient is feeling can give way to a less painful and much easier recovery.

One patient describes the overwhelming anxiety that hits him while suffering pain from repetitive overuse.

” I am missing days at work. I sleep, well try to sleep really, all day in the dark. I have no appetite. The pain is unbearable. Depression has set in. My neck pain radiates down my spine.”

These patients have seen good medical doctors and have tried all types of medications to manage their painful symptoms.

What were they missing? A physician willing to take the time to to sit down and listen to their fears and problems brought about by their current condition.

Patients soon come to learn that physiatrists, who are medical doctors, have helped them more than their own family doctors just by listening.

Physiatrists who specialize in physical medicine and rehabilitation see hundreds patients suffering from anxiety due to chronic pain. The specialty areas of PMR include: Sports medicine, Neuromuscular medicine (disorders of the peripheral nerves and muscles – sciatic nerve pain), Pain medicine, Spinal cord injury medicine.

Take Dr. David Delman a board certified pain specialist in both Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine and is a member of the American Academy of Pain Management. Dr. Delman has a history of working as emergency department doctor at Stony Brook University Hospital, New York, NY.  Now with clinics in New York City and Brooklyn, Dr. Delman is able to reach out to patients both mentally and physically at his own clinic, DHD Medical.

The clinic provides a non surgical pain relief focused services with an emphasis on healing and solving problems such as pain, depression, anxiety, insomnia and fatigue areas that a medical doctor may not take the time to really delve into.

“The objective at our clinic is to reach out to patients that are being passed up on in areas that other doctors may not focus on depression, insomnia, etc… The objective to recovering from pain and injury is to listen to our patients.”

Pain and the problems it causes can wear you down over time and affect your mood. Chronic pain causes a number of problems that can lead to depression, such as trouble sleeping and stress. Disabling pain can cause low self-esteem due to work, legal or financial issues.

DHD Medical and pain clinics like it believe that the ultimate objective is to treat pain and greatly improve the patients quality of life.

Chronic pain in ones back and neck, hip, or shoulder can be agonizing, causing patients to have sleepless nights or difficulty walking. Patients often think they will never be well again. They’ve tried going to yoga, chiropractors, holistic services; nothing has worked.

After a comprehensive interview with the patient, Dr. Stella P. Mansukhani, in Washington Heights, New York offers manual therapy techniques that make a huge difference in patients suffering pain.

Manual therapy, or manipulative therapy, is a physical treatment primarily used by Dr. Mansukhani to treat musculoskeletal pain and disability. Patients can count on physical and occupational therapy, life coaching and fitness evaluation and instruction, with Dr. Mansukhani.

New York Heights Medical, P.C. understand patients who are feeling hopeless due to their pain. “Our objective at New York Heights Medical, P.C. is to ensure that our patients live healthy lives, and regain healthy relationships.” say’s Dr. Mansukhani.

Dr. Delman and Dr. Mansukhani are but two of a network of pain specialists in New York that Listen to their patients. These select pain specialists understand that they have a commitment to the patient to listen and ask the right questions on how pain is effecting their relationships, work, mental and physical lives.

You the patient deserves to be heard. You the patient deserves respect. You deserve pain doctors who listen!

Doctors Listening to Patients In Pain
Doctors Listening to Patients In Pain






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