Proper diagnosis is the first step in any effective pain and injury treatment plan. That's why it's important to consult a licensed, board-certified doctor who's trained to identify a wide range of conditions, how they affect you as an individual, and knows how to decrease pain and restore function without surgery.
Acute pain, stiffness, loss of normal range of motion, spasms, tingling numbness, "pins & needles", or muscle pain...
Somebody Stop My Back Pain! Neck pain, stiffness, loss of normal range of motion, spasms, pain radiating to back of head, ear or shoulders, painful range of motion, tingling numbness, pins & needles, low back pain, muscle pain with specific trigger or tender points…
Pain (especially with overhead reaching, lifting or extension), restricted or painful range of motion, anterior pain (front of shoulder)…
Pain, feeling unstable, feeling the need to fully extend knee after sitting for prolonged periods, buckling, locking, shin pain, swelling…
Temporary discomfort or pain, inability to walk comfortably, pain at night, inability to bend, swelling…