Shoulder Pain Specialist New York: 1-800-949-6100

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Dislocated Shoulder NY Doctors

Dislocated Shoulder Rehabilitation

dislocated shoulderYou've come to the right place to find a pain & Injury specialist who has experience treating even the most complex shoulder disorders.

When the shoulder joint comes partially or completely separated from its socket it is called a dislocated shoulder.

Dislocation of the shoulder can occur from a sports injury, car accident, or slip and fall from a workplace injury.

Symptoms of a dislocated shoulder:

  • Pain in the shoulder running down the arm
  • Unable to move the shoulder
  • Tenderness, swelling and bruising
  • visually deformed area

How is a dislocated shoulder diagnosed?

MSR will assist you in locating a New York pain doctor that will ask you specific questions about your injury and as well as examine your shoulder. The examination and diagnosis of your shoulder will consist of a shoulder x-ray or MRI.

Treating a dislocated shoulder

If you are experiencing a large amount of pain and swelling in the shoulder area, you may be given pain management medication for pain relief and comfort.

How fast will you recover from a dislocated shoulder

Depending on how serious your injury is, your shoulder may take several weeks to recover. MSR pain doctors often request that a patient undergoes shoulder physical therapy as a preventative measure for future recurrences. You may be looking at up to 12 weeks of a recovery period.

If you’ve been in a slip and fall or car accident in New York, or injured while playing a sport, and need treatment for a dislocated shoulder, please call us at 800-949-6100 to find a dislocated shoulder doctor in New York.

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