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Slip and Fall Accidents Rising

Due to harsh winter conditions across the US, slip and fall accidents are rising. Using a quality door mat will prevent some accidents

Slip & Fall Accidents Rising

Holbrook, Massachusetts– As many parts of the nation brace themselves for another round of winter storms, hospitals and medical centers are bracing themselves for an increased number of patients due to slip and fall accidents. An article posted at stated that the head of the Department of Emergency Medicine, Carl Ramsay, at Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan, NY estimated injuries from falling were 20% higher than normal in the ER during the winter storm that hit New York this past December. Emergency rooms in New York City and all over the New England area have reported a rise in fractures resulting from slips and falls.

US Entrance Mats’ CEO & President Scott Newman has been in the flooring industry for almost 60 years and states preventing slips and falls is very easy with using the right mat. “Slip and fall accidents are one of the most frequently reported incidents in the United States,” said Scott Newman. “Unfortunately, many people suffer minor abrasions and contusions that could have been prevented simply by using a good, quality floor mat. Avoiding falls due to slips and trips is necessary for a healthier workplace. It will save you from the possible lawsuits that come as a result of the injuries from these accidents. It is your responsibility as a business owner to take care of your employees as well as your customers. “

US Entrance Mats

US Entrance mats is a family owned and operated business based in Holbrook, MA. We have over 60 years experience in the flooring industry and pride ourselves on the excellent customer service we provide to our customers. US Entrance Mats offers a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee on all of our mats. We are proud to offer mats manufactured by the industry leader, The Andersen Company. US Entrance Mats provides quality mats that are durable, effective, and reliable.

Winter Storms Worsening City’s Potholes

As if the snow and ice weren’t frustrating enough for city drivers, extreme weather is creating thousands of new potholes.

45,000 new potholes have cropped up since December, due to this winter’s onslaught of snow and ice storms. (DNAinfo/Jill Colvin)

By Tara Kyle

DNAinfo Reporter/Producer

MANHATTAN — As if the snow and ice weren’t frustrating enough for city drivers, this winter’s storms have created thousands of new potholes, the New York Daily News reported.

The number of holes in the concrete filled by the Department of Transportation since December now totals more than 45,000, according to the Daily News. And forty crews are taxed with filling 2,000 on a daily basis.

“Mother Nature has thrown everything at us this winter, and we’re striking back,” DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan told the Daily News.

Fluctuating temperatures are partially to blame, according to the Daily News. On warmer days, snow and rain slip into cracks in the pavement. When temperatures fall, that precipitation freezes over, expands and chips away at asphalt.

“This is an unfortunate side effect of this terrible season,” Queens Councilman Mark Weprin told the Daily News.

The DOT is urging residents to call 311 when they see craters in streets. The Department is pledging to respond to calls within about three days, the Daily News reported.

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Tips for Homeowners Dealing With All This Snow

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So right about now, on the cusp of yet another winter storm in the Tri-State area, you might be wondering when enough is enough–or just too much.

Well, that’s what Lisa Fitzsimmons of Vernon, N.J. wondered when she reached out to NBC New York with questions on the minds of many homeowners.

Question #1: If there’s snow on the ground, and the prediction is for ice and then more snow in the same storm, do you shovel before the ice–thereby letting it buld up directly on your driveway/sidewalk, or do you hold off on the shoveling, letting the ice fall on snow, then wait til that second snowfall comes before shoveling?

Lisa is worried she might slip and fall if she clears the first snowfall and her driveway ices up before the second snow. But if she waits, will shoveling a layer of snow, then ice, then more snow be too heavy.

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So right about now, on the cusp of yet another winter storm in the Tri-State area, you might be wondering when enough is enough–or just too much.

Well, that’s what Lisa Fitzsimmons of Vernon, N.J. wondered when she reached out to NBC New York with questions on the minds of many homeowners.

Question #1: If there’s snow on the ground, and the prediction is for ice and then more snow in the same storm, do you shovel before the ice–thereby letting it buld up directly on your driveway/sidewalk, or do you hold off on the shoveling, letting the ice fall on snow, then wait til that second snowfall comes before shoveling?

Lisa is worried she might slip and fall if she clears the first snowfall and her driveway ices up before the second snow. But if she waits, will shoveling a layer of snow, then ice, then more snow be too heavy.

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Dramatic Photos: Blizzard Hits Northeast and Mid-Atlantic

Our expert is Craig Worts, Director of Snow Removal for the Crystal Springs Resort just a few miles away.

Answer #1: He says wait–let the ice fall on snow.

“If we get more ice on blacktop now, what are you doing tomorrow? Salting, chopping. I would get ugly, ” Worts explained.

Question #2: How long should you wait to knock icicles off your gutters and eaves?

Lisa has her ten year old son Connor do it from time to time.

Answer #2: Crystal Springs’ Worts says it should be often, just for the liability issue alone.

“God forbid one breaks off as you’re walking out or a guest is walking in and hits you in the head,” Worts worried.

Question #3: When should you remove snow from your roof?

Lisa says her husband goes up on top of their home when it gets to be about two feet deep.

Answer #3: Worts is reluctant to offer advice on that. But where a lower roof, say over an extended garage, is accessible, he does recommend getting a long broom of some sort and pulling snow off.

“Pull that snow right off so at least when the sun comes out it does have the opportunity to heat up those shingles and melt that snow and ice,” said Worts.

Otherwise, the weight of the ice could rip your gutters off your home, Worts warns.

Follow Brian Thompson on Twitter @brian4NY

Understanding Back Injuries

Your back is an intricate core of bones, muscles, and other tissues extending from our neck to your pelvis. Back injuries can result from sports injuries, car accidents or a slip and fall at work. Lower back pain is the most common area of back injuries.

Common back injuries include:
Bulging/ruptured/herniated disc
Degenerative disc disease
Radiculopathy/nerve impingement

Injuries such as the ones mentioned can lead to chronic pain and limit ones movement. Treatments may include physical therapy or surgery.

Herniated disc injuries often occur from violent vehicle accidents. The impact from a car collision can put stress on the spinal column in a piece of the spinal structure (called a disc) that separates your back bones or vertebrae, to move out of place.

These injuries are called slipped or ruptured discs. Accident victims experiencing a sharp pain in their back, leg or foot, should see a doctor immediately and a good lawyer.

According to OSHA, back disorders can develop gradually as a result of microtrauma brought about by repetitive activity over time or can be the product of a single traumatic event.

Back injury and pain can result from:

* Reaching while lifting.
* Poor posture–how one sits or stands. (Sitting at a desk day-in-and day-out)
* Stressful working activities–staying in one position for too long.
* Lifting, pushing, pulls, or carrying objects.
* Poor physical health and pressure to tasks with strain.
* Poor design of job or work station.
* Repetitive lifting of awkward items, equipment, or (in health-care facilities) patients.
* Twisting while lifting.
* Bending while lifting.
* Maintaining bent postures.
* Heavy lifting.
* Fatigue.
* Slippery floors
* Lifting with force
* Vibration, such as with lift truck drivers, delivery drivers, etc.

Anyone who has ever experienced a back injury or a spinal cord injury knows how painful it can be. It can be so painful that there is no way a person could return to work. Back problems are tricky. Anyone who is experiencing severe back pain, must be upfront and honest with their doctor. Your back is the core of your body. You have to seek the right type of medical attention.

If you have experienced a work-related back injuries, it is important to get the help quickly. Find the correct physician to treat you, help file your workers compensation claim, and get you back to work.


Accident Forgiveness – is it Right for You?

Accident forgiveness – is it right for you? Accident forgiveness: automobile insurance come-on or cost saver?

The sales pitch sounds too good to be true: “Car accident? No problem. With accident forgiveness, your car insurance rate stays the same!” As with anything else, it’s best to develop an understanding of what accident forgiveness really is, and then decide if it’s right for you.

Accident Forgiveness Defined

Accident forgiveness coverage is a provision that calls on your car insurance company to process your first at-fault accident claim without raising your premium. That’s is a potentially big savings because post-accident drivers sometimes see their annual auto insurance rates shoot up nearly 40 percent, according to Consumer Reports.

There are a couple stipulations, however. First, accident forgiveness coverage is often considered an add-on feature to a standard car insurance policy, and will likely increase your premium. So if you are seeking cheap car insurance because your budget is tight, weigh carefully whether the possibility of savings on a claim in the future outweighs the advantage of a lower auto insurance rates right now.

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Second, accident forgiveness coverage isn’t available to every driver. A newer customer, younger driver or someone with an ugly driving record might have a tough time getting covered.

Do you Fit the Accident Forgiveness Profile?

Let’s find out whether you are right for accident forgiveness. If you’re a parent with a teenage driver, this coverage seems like a no-brainer. After all, teens are the some of the most dangerous drivers on the road, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Insurance companies know this, and they expect younger drivers to get into a fender bender or two. That’s why, when you add a teen driver, auto insurance companies compensate for increased risk by increasing your premium, often significantly. The increases auto insurance companies take when a teenage driver is added also means your rate will likely stay the same after your teen’s first minor accident. Insurance companies expect it. It’s almost like built-in accident forgiveness. So find out what your insurer’s policy is before you add accident forgiveness coverage on top of a new driver increase.

If you have a spotty driving record and you’re likely to get into another accident in the future, accident forgiveness coverage looks great. But a lot of drivers are ineligible for exactly that reason. Most insurance companies require a clean driving record – no accidents, no tickets – over the past five years before they’ll give a driver accident forgiveness.

If you’re a safe driver with a clean record and a solid car insurance policy, then accident forgiveness coverage may do little more than add monthly expense. And, if you do have a minor accident and see your premium increase, you have options. Talk with your insurer and compare car insurance quotes from other car insurance companies. You may find a better rate even after your fender bender.

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