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Auto Accident Require Physical Therapy

      Follow us on Twitter     Join our Facebook Group  Auto Injury & Whiplash Treatment Are not An Easy Fix.  They Require Physical Therapy.
Find out why physical Therapy as a car Injury treatment option?

Why Physical Therapy For An Auto Accident Injury?

Studies have shown that physical therapy immediately following an auto accident helps control pain, diminish swelling and repair damaged  tissue. The right doctor will provide the proper treatment after an auto injury.

Pain will always be a factor and physical therapy can help with a speedy recovery.  Most connective tissue injuries (“whiplash” injuries, are common injuries in motor vehicle collisions) take some time to heal.  Physical therapy allows a patient to rebuild strength and functionality after the accident.

Studies have shown that without proper treatment accident victims will continue to suffer pain for months, even years after the accident.  Continued neck and back pain, headaches, dizziness, numbness, vision problems, and concentration problems can linger over time without proper treatment.

Today treatment methods for auto accident injuries have changed. It’s not about the neck or back brace anymore. Doctors are now prescribing a good dose of physical therapy for recovery and rehabilitation.

Types of  auto accident injuries that benefit from physical therapy include: neck and back pain, leg pain, fractures, and herniated bulging discs. All which can be long-term if not properly treated.

Workers Compensation Answers

Back To Work Too Soon 

Workers Compensation Question

My employer recommended doctor is sending me back to work too soon. I was released by the physician to return to work, even though I expressed to him that I was still feeling pain from my injury and did not feel strong enough to go back to work. As soon as I returned to work I fell down and was rushed to the hospital.

I really don’t understand what it will take to help this doctor and my employers understand how seriously injured I am! What can I do since I have not fully recovered?

Back To Work To Soon

Workers Compensation Answer

First and foremost you are not alone. You need to understand that in New York State you have the right to seek a second medical opinion from a board certified physician. You do not have to stay with your employer’s choice of a physician.

There’s always that risk that doctors recommended by your insurance company or employer may claim that you are “not injured” so as to avoid paying you workers compensation benefits.

Workers Compensation
Advice from New York board certified workers compensation doctors to injured workers.

Workers Compensation Question

Whats the difference between a pain management doctor vs. chiropractor?

Workers Compensation Answer – Pain Management Vs. Chiropractor

Studies show that chiropractors provide effective treatment for back pain. However, you should know that not all back pain can be properly treated by a chiropractor. Some conditions require a pain management  M.D.

Common Work Injuries:

  • Back and Neck Pain
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Knee Injury: fractures from falls and vehicle accidents, and from dangerous conditions on the job.
  • Leg Pain: Workplace falls, while lifting heavy objects, or while going up or down stairs.
  • Herniated Discs: Common serious back injury experience in workplace
  • Neuropathy: nerve damage, often causes weakness, numbness and pain
  • Whiplash Injury: Road Traffic Injury
  • Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
  • And More!

Choosing the right physician is one of the most important decisions you will make for yourself when injured at work

Some important questions to ask include:

  • Does the physician’s office take workers comp insurance plan?
  • Where is the practice located?

Got questions regarding a work related injury?  Just ask and we will try to answer!


When An Injured Worker Can Return to Work

Determining factors when an injured worker can return to work

Workers Compensation Doctors In New York
Return To Work Doctors in New York that take Workers’ Compensation Insurance

There are many factors that help a board certified workers compensation doctor determine whether a worker is ready to go back to work or not. The objective is to ensure that the injured worker has fully recovered from his or her injuries avoiding any activity that causes an increase in their pre-existing pain from their work injury.

Light duty that pays an employees regular wage as opposed to being away from work rather then time off of work and receiving two-thirds of the employees weekly wage from Worker’s Compensation is the ideal scenario. The right medical doctor can negotiate return-to-work with lite duty (preferably their original job) and get the employee back in the work place.

According to New York State rules apply to the treatment, doctors review, etc… So, therapy visits, surgery, treatment will be determining factors in return-to-work decisions. For more information on medical benefits, visit the New York State Workers’ Compensation webpage Medical Benefits. The claim process follows a specific time line for all parties (i.e., doctors, employer, employee, carrier, etc.). Details can be found on the New York State Workers’ Compensation webpage Understanding the Claims Process. Treating physicians often times will assist in filing the right claim paperwork.

The doctor will also provide a written release that includes any restrictions on work activities. The restrictions, if any, will be reviewed with the employer to determine if they can be accommodated prior to the worker’s return to work.

Treating physicians that are board certified will focus on return to work at the first visit. For instance an employee has an ankle injury, the doctor will clearly state the objective of modified light duty, and after treatment, returning to work within six weeks. In setting up clear objectives in the first initial visit, the workers exceptions will match with treatment recommendations.

Choosing the right physician, that has a return to work mission, that accommodates injured workers, taking them back on light duty is the choice of both employer and employees. getting injured workers back to work as quickly as possible, in their normal routine, interacting with their co-workers and getting paid is the objective.

David Delman, MD. an orthopedic, pain management physician in New York with 2 non-operative pain clinic locations in NYC and Brooklyn, NY is board certified in internal medicine and emergency medicine.

Dr. Delman completed his Residency in Internal Medicine at Stony Brook University Hospital in New York.

Dr. Delman is a member of the American Academy of Pain Management with over 15 years of experience as an emergency department physician diagnosing and treating thousands of trauma patients during both the acute phase and rehabilitation phase of their injuries. His unique background benefits his patients by going beyond the traditional evaluations of the musculoskeletal system.

Office Work Injury

You would think that when you go to work in a cubicle / desk environment  that it will be safe. What could possibly happen in such and injury free environment compared to working a crane, or a chainsaw.

News flash, Not true!

Anything can happen in the workplace. Work injury occurrences in office stationary environment happen all the time.

Paper cuts, cuts to the hands and fingers, tendonitis, neck strain, slips, trips and falls injuring the back. Workplace claims, can put an employer and and employee through hardship.

Companies have reported workplace claims relating to lifting boxes. Other injuries included boxes falling on a worker’s arm, foot and head. Heavy lifting, carrying and strain injuries is one of the number one injuries for companies dealing with workplace injuries.

Choose the right doctor for a work-related Injury by calling: 1-800-949-6100
Carpal Tunnel, Trigger Finger, etc. 1-800-949-6100
Carpal Tunnel, Trigger Finger, etc. 1-800-949-6100

Companies are also trying to focus on the workstation setups in order to reduce slips, trips and falls, through extra safety measures, like ensuring that loose cables are tied up neatly.

Workplaces are taking action in identifying and understanding hazardous types of situations and putting in place safety precautions to address them, such as addressing the work environment, posture and practices, office furniture, equipment and education.

The Most Common Work Injury Accidents: Falls

Falling down is the most common office accident, causing the most disabling injuries according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The CDC reports office workers are 2 to 2.5 times more likely to suffer a disabling injury from a fall than non-office workers. The most common causes of office falls include:

  • Tripping over an open desk or file drawer, electrical cords or wires, loose carpeting, or objects in hallways/walkways.
  • Bending or reaching for something while seated in an unstable chair.
  • Using a chair in place of a ladder.
  • Slipping on wet floors.
  • poor lighting.

Even, using a workstation that is not comfortable, i.e. your chair has no back support, or your wrists are uncomfortable when typing, can result in musculoskeletal problems of your neck, shoulders and back, poor posture, eyestrain and carpal tunnel syndrome.

If you have been injured in a work related accident your going to need a board certified work injury physician.  Call now to find a New York pain and work injury specialist that can  answer your questions: 1-800-949-6200

Accident Recovery

Serious accidents can leave an individual with multiple injuries that require long-term physical therapy and rehabilitation. The message this article will attempt to make is that accident recovery from serious injury is possible.

Accident’s happen, especially in the workplace. If your lucky to live through a serious accident, there is hope of recovery. If you have been badly hurt, suffering broken bones, spine injury and internal injuries the road to recovery may be a long one. Surgery, a lengthy stay in hospital and  time spent  in a rehabilitation center is often required to recover from an accident. Getting better will not be an easy road.

Some patients recounted this time as miserable, “feel sorry for yourself”,  time of their lives. That is until they saw people in rehab with much more serious debilitating injuries. (missing arms, legs and stuck in wheel chairs). Count yourself lucky, if your still intact, and just need rehabilitation to rebuild you broken body.

One patient recounts, “I had some time away from the center, but when I came back the same guy had been fitted with two artificial arms that allowed him to eat and open doors and other things on his own.”

The interesting thing about rehabilitation is, even if you are an amputee and in a wheel chair, the objective is to get your life back in some type of capacity. Even an amputee that lost his arm in an accident, given an artificial limb, can eventually have a productive life.

Therapists will tell you that the pain is all in your head. Technically, that is true. You need to change your thought process and decide to take this difficult situation head-on. Fight to recover. It’s a choice that you will have to make.  You can either play victim, “poor me, or you can fight to heal.

After an accident is so easy to lose yourself to depression, self-pity, weight gain, prescription-drug or alcohol abuse. It’s tough for just about anyone to mentally try to recover from a traumatic accident. Some accident victims just want the pain to go away and become dependent on a doctors’ prescriptions. Coming off the pain medication is excruciating physically and mentally.

Once you are clear headed, you’ll realize that recovery is possible through fitness and healthy eating — and the mental state of mind and motivation that you can once again do pretty much everything that you did prior to your accident.

People in any industry, should remember to always be safe, come prepared to work, with a clear head, well rested and having the right gear for the job. Next, always be aware of your surroundings and any possible hazards.If you don’t feel safe bring it to your supervisor or the boss attention.

They should help you get through the situation or find an alternative action.Your life is valuable and at the end of the day you want to be able to sit in work truck, heading home.If you are an injured worker, remember, to stay strong and know that even though the road to recovery seems so out of reach, it’s not as far as you think.

Find the right personal injury doctor in New York.
Find the right personal injury doctor in New York.

Stay focused on your recovery; fitness, healthy eating, hot physical therapy and rehabilitation, managing your pain and living a healthy life.The right doctors make a big difference as well.

You will survive and one day be able to talk about it in a positive way that will encourage other accident victims.

Painful conditions stemming from a work injury or car accident injury is common today. 

There are board certified doctors in the New York area that provide specialized accident recovery treatment victims of auto accident, work accidents, or sports accident.  These doctors specialize in treating lower back pain, mid to upper back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, sciatica and disc herniation.

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