Pain clinic opens in White Plains, NY

Lower Hudson Medical Associates, announces the official grand opening of a community based spine and pain clinic, on October 13th, located at 311 North Street, Suite 210, White Plains, NY 10605.

Introducing top New York medical doctor, Dr. Christopher Lee, M.D. to his White Plains community. Dr. Lee is a PMR board certified physician specializing in pain management.

As the leading spine and pain care medical group in white plains, the physicians at Lower Hudson Medical Associates believe in a multidisciplinary approach to care through the use of injections, and minimally invasive procedures.

This new clinic will provide pain management, physical medicine and rehabilitation services to individuals suffering chronic pain throughout Westcheter County, NY.

The pain management physical therapy services offered by Lower Hudson Medical Associates will include physical therapies designed to reduce and prevent pain in the musculoskeletal system, spine care therapy, workplace injury prevention, workers comp claim assistance, and chronic pain management from sports injuries, workplace injuries and car accident injuries.

Lower Hudson medical Associates pain clinic specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of spine and pain disorders, including back and neck pain, shoulder pain, arm pain, knee pain, leg pain, spinal compression fractures, and more.

White Plains Pain Clinic Specializing in Sport, Spine and Rehabilitation Medicine, Pain Management, Spinal Injections, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Workers Compensation Claim Assistance.

White Plains Pain Clinic Specializing in Sport, Spine and Rehabilitation Medicine, Pain Management, Spinal Injections, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Workers Compensation Claim Assistance.

Both workers compensation and no fault insurances are accepted.

Same day appointments are usually available so schedule an appointment today!.

Dr. Christopher Lee, M.D. is the medical director of the clinic. They offer team physical therapy and rehabilitation to high schools and colleges through out Westchester County, NY.

Lower Hudson Medical Associates, are doctors dedicated to healing. They’re mission is to improving the patients functionality and quality of life . For more information on Lower Hudson medical Associates pain clinic, or to make an appointment, visit












