Brooklyn doctor Nunzio Saulle originally from East Flatbush is back with a passion in serving his community. He is a board certified physiatrist (A Rehabilitation Physician) that treats back pain, neck pain, and shoulder pain from accident and injury. Dr. Nunzio Saulle has come back to his roots in order to provide exceptional  treatment, and rehabilitative care to Brooklyn, NY patients suffering from painful Musculoskeletal conditions.

NJS Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation is located in Flatbush at 1178 Flatbush Ave Brooklyn, NY 11226,

Dr. Saulle got the idea that he wanted to manage his own facility. His mission is to educate patients on therapy options available that will improve their quality of life.

Dr. Saulle and staff help patients seamlessly get through all the paperwork that is often involved with various injuries namely no fault or workers compensation.  The facility is 3000 square feet that offers physical therapy including a gym (with machines/weights) for patient rehabilitation.

Dr. Saulle caters to many disabled patients who are out of work due to various injuries. This area of the practice helps in resolution of pain, restoration of function with and objective of helping the patient get back to work. NJS Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation in Brooklyn, NY provides electro diagnostic testing in trying to evaluate any nerve damage due to an injury. Procedures to alleviate pain include joint injections, including trigger point injections.

Whether your an athlete suffering a sports injury, a victim of a moving vehicle accident or have suffered a work injury, Dr.Nunzio Saulle can help you get your life back, get back to work, and ultimately eliminate or manage your pain. Dr. Saulle is excited to be back in the community. He is also looking forward to giving back to the community.