Rehabilitation and Recovery

Car accident spinal injury recovery possible through rehabilitation.

After suffering a serious spinal cord injury in a car accident, doctors told Katie Breland she would never walk again, but she never gave up.

Now, the bride-to-be plans to take her first steps on her wedding day.

Read on..

Bride-to-Be Injured in Accident to Take First Steps Down the Aisle

Bride-to-Be suffering spinal cord injury from a car accident, doesn’t give up.

The key to recovery requires a few simple choices that include:

Choosing the right rehab center
A specialty doctor aka., a physiatrist.
Pain management program specific to your condition

Find out the difference between an occupational therapist and a physical therapist.

Spinal cord injuries require proper diagnosis. get the right answers from the right type of physicians.

Through exercise, endurance, and rehabilitation, recovery after a traumatic accident is possible.

Anyone can regain functionality and start living again.

New York Physiatrists Rehabilitation and Recovery Centers