Find out why physical Therapy as a car Injury treatment option?

Why Physical Therapy For An Auto Accident Injury?

Studies have shown that physical therapy immediately following an auto accident helps control pain, diminish swelling and repair damaged  tissue. The right doctor will provide the proper treatment after an auto injury.

Pain will always be a factor and physical therapy can help with a speedy recovery.  Most connective tissue injuries (“whiplash” injuries, are common injuries in motor vehicle collisions) take some time to heal.  Physical therapy allows a patient to rebuild strength and functionality after the accident.

Studies have shown that without proper treatment accident victims will continue to suffer pain for months, even years after the accident.  Continued neck and back pain, headaches, dizziness, numbness, vision problems, and concentration problems can linger over time without proper treatment.

Today treatment methods for auto accident injuries have changed. It’s not about the neck or back brace anymore. Doctors are now prescribing a good dose of physical therapy for recovery and rehabilitation.

Types of  auto accident injuries that benefit from physical therapy include: neck and back pain, leg pain, fractures, and herniated bulging discs. All which can be long-term if not properly treated.