You would think that when you go to work in a cubicle / desk environment  that it will be safe. What could possibly happen in such and injury free environment compared to working a crane, or a chainsaw.

News flash, Not true!

Anything can happen in the workplace. Work injury occurrences in office stationary environment happen all the time.

Paper cuts, cuts to the hands and fingers, tendonitis, neck strain, slips, trips and falls injuring the back. Workplace claims, can put an employer and and employee through hardship.

Companies have reported workplace claims relating to lifting boxes. Other injuries included boxes falling on a worker’s arm, foot and head. Heavy lifting, carrying and strain injuries is one of the number one injuries for companies dealing with workplace injuries.

Choose the right doctor for a work-related Injury by calling: 1-800-949-6100

Carpal Tunnel, Trigger Finger, etc. 1-800-949-6100

Companies are also trying to focus on the workstation setups in order to reduce slips, trips and falls, through extra safety measures, like ensuring that loose cables are tied up neatly.

Workplaces are taking action in identifying and understanding hazardous types of situations and putting in place safety precautions to address them, such as addressing the work environment, posture and practices, office furniture, equipment and education.

The Most Common Work Injury Accidents: Falls

Falling down is the most common office accident, causing the most disabling injuries according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The CDC reports office workers are 2 to 2.5 times more likely to suffer a disabling injury from a fall than non-office workers. The most common causes of office falls include:

  • Tripping over an open desk or file drawer, electrical cords or wires, loose carpeting, or objects in hallways/walkways.
  • Bending or reaching for something while seated in an unstable chair.
  • Using a chair in place of a ladder.
  • Slipping on wet floors.
  • poor lighting.

Even, using a workstation that is not comfortable, i.e. your chair has no back support, or your wrists are uncomfortable when typing, can result in musculoskeletal problems of your neck, shoulders and back, poor posture, eyestrain and carpal tunnel syndrome.

If you have been injured in a work related accident your going to need a board certified work injury physician.  Call now to find a New York pain and work injury specialist that can  answer your questions: 1-800-949-6200