Effective Treatment

When A Second Surgerystrong Won't Work

A 41-year-old male named Max visited an MSR-supported physiatrist when he experienced left shoulder pain, with inability to raise his arm. The physiatrist diagnosed him with a massive left rotator cuff tear causing pain, weakness and limited active range of motion.

Max had a prior left rotator cuff tear with surgical repair. Due to the severity of this second tear, he was not a surgical candidate; therefore, recommendations were for physical therapy and a home exercise program.

Max showed improved active range of motion (lacking only 20 degrees of flexion & abduction) and strength (4/5 flexion and abduction, 4+/5 external rotation, 5/5 internal rotation) after starting his treatment; and after nine months of treatment, Max made very significant improvement and is functioning independently.

The ability of a specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PMR) to provide multidisciplinary and multimodal care, as well as the ability to focus on patient function and the patient as a whole separates the physiatrist from other medical specialties. It is what makes the physiatrist a unique provider of medical care.

Take the Next Step

Are you ready to take the next step in being free from pain and injury? Contact an MSR supported physician.

TOP 10 REASONS to Visit a Physiatrist

  • 1. Physiatry is a medical specialty
  • 2. Physiatrists are medical doctors (M.D.s and D.O.s)
  • 3. Physiatrists treat the whole person, not just a condition
  • 4. Physiatrists use the latest treatments and modalities
  • 5. No problem is ever too small or too big for a physiatrist
  • 6. Physiatry treatment is highly individualized to meet the specific needs of the patient
  • 7. Physiatry can often help people avoid surgery
  • 8. The physiatrist's job is restore as much function and independence as possible—to put the pieces of people's lives back together
  • 9. The physiatrist works with a team of health care professionals that includes physicians of other medical specialties, and therapists
  • 10. Physiatrists can help with acute and chronic pain management issues